Questions about citing business sources using APA 7th edition? Email Mr. Wooten at
Although the APA provides clear instructions on how to cite standard publication types, some business-specific resources include unique information that doesn't directly match APA instructions. Because of that, some of the examples and instructions on this page represent the Watson-Griffith Library's interpretation of APA rules. The American Psychological Association maintains a Style Blog that addresses many frequently asked questions.
For citing resources in standard article databases, such as Business Source Premier, please consult the Journal Articles or Magazine & News Articles tabs.
If you have questions about citing your specific source, please contact the library staff.
MarketLine, (2018, November), Wine in North America: MarketLine Industry Profile (Reference
Code: 0205-0800) [Industry profile], Retrieved from Business Source Premier database.
Diment, D., (2019, December), Corporate wellness services (OD4621) [U.S. specialized industry report], IBISWorld.
Mergent, (n.d.), Hain Celestial Group [Company profile], Retrieved June 3, 2020, from
Mergent, (n.d.), Hain Celestial Group: R. Dean Hollis [Executive bio], Retrieved June 3, 2020, from
Dun & Bradstreet, (2019, May 27), Automotive repair & maintenance services [Industry profile].
NOTE: Dun & Bradstreet reports seem to be available in multiple databases, so in such cases APA says not to include the database name or URL.
Failla, J., (2020, April), Quick service restaurants - US. Mintel.
Mintel, (n.d.), Shampoo & conditioners: Retail market segmentation by values, Retrieved May 28, 2020, from
Company dossier
LexisNexis, (n.d.), Ford Motor Company [Company profile], Retrieved May 28, 2020, from
Executive biographies
The Who's Who of Company Directors, (2017, April 6), H. Jay Sarles. NexisUni,
Company information
Zoom Company Information, (2020, May), Ernst & Young Global Limited. NexisUni.
Company lists or directories
LexisNexis, (n.d.), [List of automobile companies in Germany, over $200M in sales], Retrieved
June 22, 2020, from
NOTE: Since there is no official title, create a description in square brackets, non-italicized, to describe how you compiled this data. See section 9.22 in the Manual. The square brackets in this case indicate that somebody else searching the resource cannot use these exact words to search for it; but they could figure out what you did.
SWOT Analysis
MarketLine, (2020, January 13), Ford Motor Company [SWOT analysis], NexisUni,
Company profiles
PrivCo, (n.d.), PopSockets [Company profile], Retrieved May 26, 2020, from
Company lists or directories
PrivCo, (n.d.), [List of VC-backed companies in the Boulder, CO, area with up to $500M in
revenue]. Retrieved June 29, 2020, from
NOTE: Since there is no official title, create a description in square brackets, non-italicized, to describe how you compiled this data. See section 9.22 in the Manual. The square brackets in this case indicate that somebody else searching the resource cannot use these exact words to search for it; but they could figure out what you did.
Company profiles
Infogroup, (2020, June), Jackson Hewitt Tax Svc-Walmart, Kenai, AK [Company profile],
ReferenceUSA, Retrieved June 26, 2020, from
NOTE: If the title of the company profile is sufficiently unique to identify the company profile (i.e. there is only one of that company in that city & state), then the company name with city is the title.
Infogroup, (2020, June), Jackson Hewitt Tax Svc-Walmart (3101 A. St, Anchorage, AK) [Company
profile], ReferenceUSA, Retrieved June 26, 2020, from
NOTE: If there are multiple locations of that business in that city/state, include the exact address in parentheses as a form of unique number identifier.
Company lists or directories
Infogroup, (n.d.), [List of companies in Walworth county, Wisconsin with 5 or more employees],
ReferenceUSA, Retrieved May 26, 2020, from
NOTE: Since there is no official title, create a description in square brackets, non-italicized, to describe how you compiled this data. See section 9.22 in the Manual. The square brackets in this case indicate that somebody else searching the resource cannot use these exact words to search for it; but they could figure out what you did.
MRI-Simmons, (2017), Spring 2017 NHCS adult study 12 month [Cell phones / smartphones brands owned by consumer demographics - age, gender, household income] [Data set],
MRI-Simmons, (2017), Spring 2017 NHCS adult study 6 month [Computer software types owned by age] [Data set],
NOTE: Since the title of the dataset is not very descriptive of your particular data retrieved, include a description of the variables you used so that somebody else could figure out what you did.
SBRnet, (n.d.). Basketball: College fan market summary. Sports Market Analytics, Retrieved June 3, 2020, from
Statistics, dossiers, and reports
Daniel Research Group, (2019, September), Unit shipments of mobile personal computers (PCs)
and laptops in the United States, from 2013 to 2023 (in millions) [Chart], Statista,
NOTE: Look under the Source section for “Survey by” -- that is the author.
Statista, (2020, May), Laptops & tablets [Consumer market outlook].
NOTE: Anything without a named author, should cite Statista at the corporate author.
Armstrong, M., (2020, June 4), UK government approval on the slide [Infographic], Statista,
Zekauskas, J., (2020, March 10), Albemarle Corporation: J.P. Morgan conference takeaways [Analyst report], Thomson ONE,
United States
U.S. Census Bureau, (2017), Construction: Summary statistics for the US, states, and selected geographies (Table EC1723BASIC) [Data set], U.S. Department of Commerce,
U.S. Census Bureau, (n.d.), QuickFacts: Madison city, Wisconsin, U.S. Department of Commerce, Retrieved June 18, 2020, from
U.S. Census Bureau, (n.d.), Census business builder: Small business edition - 3.0.1 [Map showing restaurants in the Dane County, WI area and surrounding counties], U.S. Department of Commerce, Retrieved June 18, 2020, from
Bureau of Economic Analysis, (2020, May 28), Price indexes for personal consumption expenditures by major type of product and by major function, (Table 2.3.4U) [Data set], United States Department of Commerce.
International Financial Statistics, (2020), Government finance: Japan 2013-2020 [Data set],
International Monetary Fund,
World Health Organization, (2020, June 2), Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Situation report -
Eurostat, (2020), Area under organic farming [Data set],
Standard & Poor’s, (n.d.), Compustat daily updates - fundamentals annual [Microsoft Corporation: Income statement items - January 2015 to January 2020] [Data set], Capital IQ. Retrieved June 3, 2020, from
The Center for Research in Security Prices, (n.d.), CRSP daily stock [Tesla Motors stock prices from 2007 to 2020] [Data set], Retrieved June 3, 2020, from
NOTE: Since the title of the dataset is not very descriptive of your particular data retrieved, include a description of the variables you used so that somebody else could figure out what you did.
The citation examples on this webpage come from:
Schemm, N., Dellenbach, M., Grisham, Z., Hageman, M., Tingle, N., Trowbridge, M., & Wheatley, A.
(2020). APA 7th ed. citation for business sources.