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American Church History: Catholic Denominations

This research guide provides resources pretraining to American church history and includes books, ebooks, open access resources, and websites.

List of Catholic Denominations in the United States

American Catholic Church in the United States: Founded in 1999, Membership as of 2015 is 5,500 in 14 parishes.

The Catholic Church in the United States (Roman Catholic Church): Founded in 60 AD, (came to the United States in 1600's) memberships as of 2012 was 68 million in 18,199 parishes. 

Eastern Rite Catholic, Uniate Churches: Founded date is unknown with 500,000 members in 2000.

The Ecumenical Catholic Church +USA: Founded in 2003, membership is estimated to be about 2,000 in 4 churches (2003).

The Ecumenical Catholic Communion: Founded in 2003 membership is around 3000 members in 40 churches.

Old Catholic Churches: Founded in 1871, (came to the United States in 1914) there are no membership statistics available.

Polish National Catholic Church of America: Founded in 1897, membership around 25,000 in 126 parishes (2016).

Reformed Catholic Church: Founded in 1988, membership is around 57,000 in 100 parishes (2012).

Society of Saint Pius X: Founded in 1969, membership is around 20,000 in 103 chapels



Catholic Bible