American Catholic Church in the United States: Founded in 1999, Membership as of 2015 is 5,500 in 14 parishes.
The Catholic Church in the United States (Roman Catholic Church): Founded in 60 AD, (came to the United States in 1600's) memberships as of 2012 was 68 million in 18,199 parishes.
Eastern Rite Catholic, Uniate Churches: Founded date is unknown with 500,000 members in 2000.
The Ecumenical Catholic Church +USA: Founded in 2003, membership is estimated to be about 2,000 in 4 churches (2003).
The Ecumenical Catholic Communion: Founded in 2003 membership is around 3000 members in 40 churches.
Old Catholic Churches: Founded in 1871, (came to the United States in 1914) there are no membership statistics available.
Polish National Catholic Church of America: Founded in 1897, membership around 25,000 in 126 parishes (2016).
Reformed Catholic Church: Founded in 1988, membership is around 57,000 in 100 parishes (2012).
Society of Saint Pius X: Founded in 1969, membership is around 20,000 in 103 chapels