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American Church History: Brethren and Pietist Denominations

This research guide provides resources pretraining to American church history and includes books, ebooks, open access resources, and websites.

Brethren and Pietist Churches

Brethren Church (Ashland): Founded 1882, membership is estimated 13,260 (2010) to be across 106 congregations (2020).

Brethren in Christ Church: Founded in 1863, membership is estimated to be around 22,920 in 211 congregations (2015).

Church of the Brethren: Founded in 1708 , membership is estimated to be around 109,288 across 921 churches (2020).

Church of the United Brethren in Christ: Founded in 1800, membership is estimated to be around 21,222 across 160 congregations (2020).

Evangelical Congregational Church: Founded in 1894, membership is estimated to be around 13,750 across 124 congregations (2014).

Evangelical Covenant Church: Founded in 1885, membership is estimated to be 231,273 across 839 churches (2015).

Evangelical Free Church of America: Founded in 1950, membership is estimated to be 357,186 across 1,470 churches (2012).

Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches (Charis Fellowship): Founded in 1939, membership is estimated to be 30,371 across 260 churches (2012).

Moravian Church: Founded in 1722, membership is estimated to be 32,389 in 154 churches (2020).

Old German Baptist Brethren Church: Founded in 1881 (Divided in 2009), membership is estimated to be 3,430 across 35 churches (2020).

Schwenkfelder Church: Founded in 1782,membership is estimated to be 2,471 across 4 churches (2020).

Holy Bible

Moravian Church Bible-Kralice Bible